On-Line Training for NQA-1 Lead Auditor

Meets training and examination requirements per ASME NQA-1 and 10 CFR 50 Appendix B for Nuclear Lead Auditor.


ASME NQA-1 Overview (1 Day)

Provides details and discussion on the 18 Quality Assurance program requirements of NQA-1 including commercial grade dedication.

web meeting

10 CFR Part 21 Reporting of Noncompliance (2 Hours)

Instruction on the NRC’s regulatory requirements for the Reporting of Noncompliance including timelines.


Commercial Grade Dedication Workshop (4 Hours)

Understand CGD per NQA-1 Subpart 2.14 and EPRI NP-5652.  Includes using NEI 14-05A for Laboratory Accreditation.

Custom Training Courses

All courses can be provided custom for your organization

– Online or On-Site at your Facility

– Time and Date convenient for your group

– Train up to 25 attendees at a time for a huge cost savings

Contact Arsenal Consulting for details on how we can help meet your training needs.